Wayfaring Bootstraps

Life, Love, Art, Smiles, Music and Photos in the pursuit of happiness…

This post is so lovely. I had to reblog.

Whirlwind of emotions

Nature is more than a scientist; an engineer. It is an artist.  Designing beautiful, bold and striking masterpieces – the universe, the solar system, the oceans. Even in destruction there is beauty. A hurricane, an earthquake, a volcanic eruption. These are devastating occurrences that cause endless pain and suffering to those that are affected. On the other hand, these very calamities bring about a sense of excitement; a rush of adrenaline at the mere mention of them to those whose livelihoods depend on these very phenomenons occurring. An onlooker no doubt will have different emotions and experiences as compared to those directly affected. Yet these experiences exist, within the same time, due to the same cause and reason, and are so varied in nature they become incomparable.

Relationships are much like nature; scientific, engineered with a hint of an artistic flair. Beautiful and ugly. Calm and turbulent. Successful and ruining…

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